Thursday, May 12, 2011

Manitoba Flooding

First of all, I want to make it really clear that natural disasters should never, never, never be used for partisan purposes.   Whether it is in Quebec, or BC or Manitoba, these are times where political sniping must stop and we must all band together. 

My thoughts and prayers are with the people in Brandon, Portage La Prairie and those that will be directly affected by the deliberate dike breach that will likely take place sooner than later.   These are trying times for city residents, homeowners and farmers alike.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister took an aerial tour of the Western Manitoba flood region.   In times like these, we look to our leaders as those who need to be comforting and reassuring and stating that as Canadians, we will stand by our citizens in their time of need.   Judging from the local news footage, I think that the Prime Minister seemed to display the right human touch to Manitobans, if you go by the judgement of this this editorial.  Some will look at this as an opportunistic photo-op, but the reality is that we want our leaders to be seen and provide reassurance.  

Bon chance to my fellow Manitobans and military personel as we continue to fight the floods.

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