Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So...why adenganeddih?

So...this is truly a bizzare name for a why adenganeddih?

In 2000, the Liberal Party of Canada successfully demonized Canadian Alliance leader Stockwell Day with the moniker  "Hidden Agenda" due to his socially conservative leanings.    Rightly or wrongly, that label stuck in in the 2004 election and to a lesser extent in the 2006 election.   It's funny when the current opposition parties still try to raise this label, hoping that somehow the fear of a majority government will result in Canada only allowing "abortions-only-being-conducted-in-for-profit-health-clinics-located-beside-an-F35-hangar-within-an-oilsands-development."


a) the name was already taken, and
b) in case the Liberal Party of Canada decides to trademark "Hidden Agenda" (and sue for damages - and we all know they can use the cash)
c) I decided to reverse "Hidden Agenda" and call it "adenganeddih"

I'll be upfront, I am a partisan Tory.   My reasons are long and involved, but generally I align with most of their ideology, I find them more ideologically consistent than Liberals and NDPers, and I tend to believe in their brand of civil liberterianism.   Having said that, the blog I admire the most is Dan Arnold, aka   He's a partisan Liberal (originally from Alberta!) but he's not afraid to call it like he sees it.   That is what I would like to model myself after.   I suppose this precludes me from running for office, as my views (which often will align but not always with the Federal Conservaties) would certainly be used against me.   But that's ok. goes!


  1. clever blog name James! If I cared about politics more, I'm sure I'd read this all the time. :)

  2. CPC is not civil libertarian. For that, check out

  3. Haha!thats pretty good!Not new to me as ive got friends in other areas of the net who do the same thing with their names.Clever none the less.

  4. Cute -- just a bit hard to spell.
